Purity score
Purity score

purity score

However, each person's purity score should be made common knowledge. We have no definite rules as to whether the participants are required to divulge their answers that is up to the group to decide.

purity score

Mild Bewilderment - 40-79 Score The next category includes people with the score of 40-79. Such people have maintained their moralities in most cases. This supports people with mild obscene hues. So what are you waiting Without wasting much time lets move towards the steps of the rice purity score test Step No 1 Click on the Take Test button To pass the rice purity test. Intermediate Purity - 80-95 score The first category refers to 80-95 score range. (Lots of writing implements and paper would be useful too.) The person with the copy of the test is the test administrator s/he read the questions out loud and everybody else writes down their answers. The rice test score ranges from 0 to 100, and it reflects achievements and your experience in life. (Purely) Rice Purity Scores: Avg: 55.56 Min: 6 (I hope you are okay) Max: 100 (Maybe live a little) 25: 36 Median: 51 75: 81 Some of my favorite responses: No 69 (I’m completely serious) 84 ( As expected, there were many responses clustered around the 80’s, and many clustered around the 40’s, and not many falling in between. All you need is one copy of the test and a bunch of friends. You can, of course, as your right, guaranteed by the Constitution, be antisocial and sequester yourself in your room and take this test all by yourself however, we feel that the funniest way to utilize this test is to hold a Purity Test Party.

purity score

There are many ways of going about taking this test. Purity Test After analyzing your test, you have scored 100 Pure (the higher the percentage, the more pure you are) Heres how you compare: Overall average score: 76.3. It starts out tame and gets progressively worse (or better, depending on your viewpoint). This is a fairly long test consisting of five hundred questions.

Purity score