Best simutrans pak
Best simutrans pak

best simutrans pak

Also if you have any comments to make on the balancing of the gameplay (e.g. If you have spotted any graphical glitches or other problems with the pakset, please post these in the pak128.Britain forum. There may also be bugs present in the pakset which have not been weeded out. This version is a beta version - there are many aspects of the pakset which are incomplete, missing, or not well-balanced for gameplay. error messages, crashes) please make a post in "bugs" board of the Simutrans Forum - Please also state which version of the Simutrans executable you are using and which operating system. Pak128.Britain is released open source under the terms of the Artistic License. However, the pakset is still a work in progress and many items are still missing or unfinished - please bear with us or consider contributing yourself :-)

best simutrans pak

You will therefore not be able to continue using save games saved in the 0.0x with 1.0. There are many new objects since the release of 0.03 and as such this version is NOT compatible with previous versions of pak128.Britain.


it does not require any other graphics objects to run (unlike previous pre-release versions in the 0.x series which required elements of pak128 in order to run). This release of pak128.Britain 1.0 is the first standalone release of pak128.Britain, i.e. Use of the latest version of Simutrans is therefore recommended. This version is compatible with Simutrans version 102.1 - it has not been tested fully with earlier versions of Simutrans and may not work fully. It requires a Simutrans executable in order to play. Pak128.Britain is a graphics set (pak) for Simutrans.

Best simutrans pak